How To Install Fedora 33

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To start the installation you will have to mount the Fedora 33 ISO. To mount the ISO click on CD-ROM and then select the Fedora 33 ISO from the drop-down menu and click on Mount button(It will take 2-3 minutes)

Once the ISO has mounted (Task Log tab will show the status of the task), navigate to "Power Control" tab and then perform a Reboot task on the server.

Now Launch VNC to start the installation. If the VNC doesn't boot to Fedora 33, please click on ctrl + alt + del from the VNC console to send a reboot signal.

mount iso

Select "Install Fedora 33" and hit Enter key to start.

mount iso

Select the desired language and click on continue.

mount iso

Click on "Network & Hostname" to configure networking.

Network can be configured in 2-ways, either DHCP or Static.

mount iso

If you opt for DHCP, all you have to do here is to click on slider button next to the "Ethernet" to enable and we're good to go.

mount iso

And if you choose Static configuration click on "Configure".

mount iso

Now, Switch to IPV4 settings and select the method to manual

Then click on the Add button and enter the IP address, Netmask and it's Gateway in the provided field. You can find more information about your IP Address here.

You can choose between Google's DNS ( and or CloudFlare's (

Make sure to check the "Require IPv4 addressing.." option so you can have the network UP after the install is complete

mount iso

Click on slider button next to the "Ethernet" to enable

mount iso

Next, click on "Installation Destination" to configure your disk partitioning.

mount iso

Here, you can either opt for Automatic or Custom configuration depending on your requirements, We will go with custom partitioning in this article.

mount iso

mount iso

mount iso

mount iso

Once Partitioning of the disks are complete, we'll move to "Installation Source".

By default, it'll select the closest mirror, leave it as the default.

mount iso

Click on the "Software Selection" and choose the packages that are required.

mount iso

In our case, we will go with "Minimal install" which comes with bare minimum to operate the server.

mount iso

Click on "Root Password" to set a password for the root user.

mount iso

We highly recommended to a set strong password, and also select the box "Allow root SSH login with password"

mount iso

Now hit "Begin Installation" to start the installation process.

mount iso

mount iso

Once installation is completed, unmount the ISO from crownpanel and hit reboot button.

mount iso

mount iso

After rebooting the server, you will get the login screen.

mount iso
