How To Install Joomla On Centos 8

Install LAMP Server on CentOS 8.

sudo dnf update

Install Apache Web Server.

sudo dnf install httpd httpd-tools 


[root@vps ~]# sudo dnf install httpd httpd-tools
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:16 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 12:17:03 PM EDT.
 Dependencies resolved.
 Package           Arch   Version                               Repo       Size
 httpd             x86_64 2.4.37-16.module_el8.1.0+256+ae790463 AppStream 1.7 M
 httpd-tools       x86_64 2.4.37-16.module_el8.1.0+256+ae790463 AppStream 103 k
 Installing dependencies:
 apr               x86_64 1.6.3-9.el8                           AppStream 125 k
 apr-util          x86_64 1.6.1-6.el8                           AppStream 105 k
               noarch 80.5-2.el8                            AppStream  24 k

Once the installation is complete, enable Apache to auto-start at system boot time using the command below.

sudo systemctl enable httpd

sudo systemctl start httpd

sudo systemctl status httpd


[root@vps ~]# sudo systemctl enable httpd
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.
[root@vps ~]# sudo systemctl start httpd
[root@vps ~]# sudo systemctl status httpd
● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: di>
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-03-20 12:21:33 EDT; 3min 12s ago
Docs: man:httpd.service(8)
Main PID: 5499 (httpd)
Status: "Running, listening on: port 80"

To check PHP version.

httpd -v


n [root@vps ~]# httpd -v Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (centos)

To make your pages available to public, you will have to edit your firewall rules to allow HTTP requests on your web server by using the following commands.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http 

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https

firewall-cmd --reload


[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
root@server ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

Verify that the web server is running and accessible by accessing your server’s IP address. From your browser


Install MariaDB on CentOS 8

dnf install mariadb-server mariadb -y


[root@vps ~]# dnf install mariadb-server mariadb -y
 Last metadata expiration check: 0:40:47 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 12:17:03 PM EDT.
  Dependencies resolved.
  Package              Arch   Version                                 Repo       Size
 mariadb              x86_64 3:10.3.17-1.module_el8.1.0+257+48736ea6 AppStream 6.1 M
mariadb-server       x86_64 3:10.3.17-1.module_el8.1.0+257+48736ea6 AppStream  16 M
Installing dependencies:
mariadb-common       x86_64 3:10.3.17-1.module_el8.1.0+257+48736ea6 AppStream  62 k
mariadb-connector-c  x86_64 3.0.7-1.el8                             AppStream 148 k

start and enable MariaDB on startup, run the command.

systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb

You can verify the status of MariaDB.

systemctl status mariadb


[root@vps ~]# systemctl enable mariadb
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service.
[root@vps ~]# systemctl status mariadb
● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.3 database server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: >
 Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-03-20 13:00:05 EDT; 59s ago
 Docs: man:mysqld(8)

we need to secure our MariaDB database engine by running.


[root@vps ~]# mysql_secure_installation


In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current
password for the root user.  If you've just installed MariaDB, and
you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank,
so you should just press enter here.

Enter current password for root (enter for none):
OK, successfully used password, moving on...

Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB
root user without the proper authorisation.

Set root password? [Y/n] n
... skipping.

By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone
to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for
them.  This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation
go a bit smoother.  You should remove them before moving into a
production environment.

 Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
  ... Success!

Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'.  This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
  ... Success!

By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can
access.  This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed
before moving into a production environment.

Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
- Dropping test database...
 ... Success!
- Removing privileges on test database...
... Success!

Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
... Success!

Cleaning up...

All done!  If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB
installation should now be secure.

Thanks for using MariaDB!

Install PHP 7 on CentOS 8

sudo dnf install

sudo dnf install dnf-utils


[root@vps ~]# sudo dnf install dnf-utils
Last metadata expiration check: 0:05:51 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 01:11:21 PM EDT.
remi-release-8.rpm                                    52 kB/s |  23 kB     00:00
Dependencies resolved.
   Package             Architecture  Version                 Repository           Size
yum-utils           noarch        4.0.8-3.el8             BaseOS               64 k
remi-release        noarch        8.1-2.el8.remi          @commandline         23 k

After the successful installation of yum-utils and Remi-packages, search for the PHP modules which are available for download by running the command.

 sudo dnf module list php


  [root@vps ~]# sudo dnf module list php
  Remi's Modular repository for Enterprise Linux  201 kB/s | 539 kB     00:02
  Safe Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 271 kB/s | 1.4 MB     00:05
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:01 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 05:34:55 PM EDT.
  CentOS-8 - AppStream
  Name      Stream       Profiles                       Summary
  php       7.2 [d]      common [d], devel, minimal     PHP scripting language
  php       7.3          common, devel, minimal         PHP scripting language

  Remi's Modular repository for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
  Name      Stream       Profiles                       Summary
  php       remi-7.2     common [d], devel, minimal     PHP scripting language
  php       remi-7.3     common [d], devel, minimal     PHP scripting language
  php       remi-7.4     common [d], devel, minimal     PHP scripting language

The output indicates that the currently installed version of PHP is PHP 7.2. To install the newer release, PHP 7.4, reset the PHP modules.

  sudo dnf module reset php

Having reset the PHP modules, enable the PHP 7.4 module by running.

  sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.4


  [root@vps ~]# sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.4
  Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:03 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 05:34:55 PM EDT.
  Dependencies resolved.
   Package           Architecture     Version             Repository         Size
  Enabling module streams:
   php                                remi-7.4

  Transaction Summary

  Is this ok [y/N]: y

Finally, install PHP, PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) and associated PHP modules using the command.

sudo dnf install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd


[root@vps ~]# sudo dnf install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:47 ago on Fri 20 Mar 2020 01:18:51 PM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
Package               Arch   Version                                Repo       Size
php                   x86_64 7.2.11-2.module_el8.1.0+209+03b9a8ff   AppStream 1.5 M
php-common            x86_64 7.2.11-2.module_el8.1.0+209+03b9a8ff   AppStream 655 k
php-gd                x86_64 7.2.11-2.module_el8.1.0+209+03b9a8ff   AppStream  84 k
php-mysqlnd           x86_64 7.2.11-2.module_el8.1.0+209+03b9a8ff   AppStream 190 k
php-opcache           x86_64 7.2.11-2.module_el8.1.0+209+03b9a8ff   AppStream 230 k
Installing dependencies:
 gd                    x86_64 2.2.5-6.el8                            AppStream 144 k
 jbigkit-libs          x86_64 2.1-14.el8                             AppStream  55 k

To verify the version installed to run.

php -v 


[root@vps ~]# php -v
PHP 7.4.4 (cli) (built: Mar 17 2020 10:40:21) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.4.4, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

Perfect! We now have PHP 7.4 installed. Equally important, we need to start and enable PHP-FPM on boot-up.

sudo systemctl start php-fpm

sudo systemctl enable php-fpm

To check its status execute the command.

sudo systemctl status php-fpm


[root@vps ~]# sudo systemctl status php-fpm
● php-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; enabled; vendor pre>
 Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-03-20 17:38:06 EDT; 15s ago
 Main PID: 9587 (php-fpm)
Status: "Processes active: 0, idle: 5, Requests: 0, slow: 0, Traffic: 0req/s>
Tasks: 6 (limit: 5068)
    Memory: 23.9M

To instruct SELinux to allow Apache to execute the PHP code via PHP-FPM run.

setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1

Finally, restart Apache web server for PHP to work with Apache web server.

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Then head out to your browser, and type the URL below. Remember to replace the server IP address with your server’s actual IP address.
