Step-by-Step Guide to Installing OpenGist on Ubuntu 23.10
OpenGist is a tool designed to streamline the management and sharing of code snippets via GitHub Gists. It offers a command-line interface (CLI) that makes it easy to create, update, and delete gists directly from your terminal.
Download OpenGist:
First, download the precompiled binary for OpenGist using wget,
Extract the Archive:
Next, extract the downloaded tar file using the following commmand,
tar xzvf opengist1.7.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
This command creates a directory (usually named opengist) containing the binary.
Navigate to the Directory:
Change into the directory that was extracted,
cd opengist
Make the Binary Executable:
Update the permissions of the binary to make it executable,
chmod +x opengist
Run OpenGist:
Access OpenGist:
Now that OpenGist is running on port 6157, you can access it by browsing to the specified URL.
with the actual IP address of your server.
Once you access the above URL, you will see the OpenGist homepage or dashboard as follow:
Register a New User:
On the OpenGist homepage, look for an option to register a new user and fill out the required information (such as username, email, and password) to create a new account.
Login Using Your Credentials:
After registering, you will be redirected to the login page, or you can click on the "Login" link/button.
Now, With OpenGist, you can create, manage, and share code snippets or text documents easily.
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