Reset Windows 2012 R2 Server Password.
This guide will also work for other versions of Windows servers, Windows 2008, Windows 2016 and Windows 7 etc. May require small changes depending upon the version installed.
Assuming that you have access to VNC and the CrownPanel, Instructions are simplified with each steps.
Step 1: Getting to Command Prompt
Mount the Windows 2012 R2 ISO to CD-ROM from the CrownPanel.
Reboot the VPS (Shutdown + Boot) and boot from the CD ROM.
Select the preferred language and click on Repair your Computer.
Advanced options -> Command Prompt.
Step 2: Loading the Virtio Drivers
Unmount the Windows ISO and mount the Virtio Driver in CD-ROM from the Panel.
To confirm Drivers are mounted and ready, run the
cmd to list the contents of D drive. -
Loading the required drivers,
drvload D:\viostor\2K12R2\amd64\viostor.inf
Once loaded, unmount the VirtIO Driver from the Panel.
- Then mount back the Windows 2012 R2 ISO from the Panel to continue with the remaining steps.
Step 3: Resetting Password
To findout the drive where your windows was installed, run
cmd. -
Then list all the drives available,
Run the following cmds, in this case windows is installed in E drive
E: cd Windows\System32 ren Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
Close the Command Prompt and then click Continue.
The Server will boot and displays Login Screen, Click on the below "Ease of access" button to open the Command Prompt.
Run the following cmd to reset pass for administrator.
net user administrator PassWord123$
You should now be able to login to your Windows as Administrator with new Password.
Step 4: Cleaning up
Follow the instructions from Step 1 and Step 2.
Run the following cmds,
E: cd Windows\System32 ren Utilman.exe copy Utilman.exe.old Utilman.exe
- Close the Command Prompt and then click Continue.
This step will remove the option to open command prompt in login screen.